Factorise your Fears

Apparently, the untimely death of a beloved Bollywood personality gave me an ignition to pen my views.
Suicides, why do people commit suicides, why are they trapped, entangled and ultimately gone? Is it out of self hatred, self pity or is it because its the "only" option they are able to see when all doors around them are shut. I say neither. Nothing, literally nothing is bigger a factor than FEAR that leads to such anomalies. Indubitably fear is what our society, our country is SCARED off. When you are clamped under prejudiced rocks that were built before your birth, clamped under your own breath, drowning in your own blood, you feel the chills people call fear. The bitter truth here is that Fear governs us. It rules us. the fear of recognizing yourself in another. The fear of losing what you have. Of never getting another chance. Of being on the inside and realizing you are actually an outsider. When you feel all this instantaneously, you start surrendering yourself to what you call 'The Demon'. It then calls upon you and puff! you are gone. 
Fear itself cannot be killed, its an emotion, it lies within you. Rooted. It can yet be Factorized, divided, broken, so that it does not manifest the better part of your mind, by talking, meditating, by remembering the very first time you gathered courage to ride a bicycle without support, reminding yourself every day that you too are meant for something, something Big. 
Yes, it is true that fear alone can perpetuate your biases and superstitions but to let it call doom upon You, Your family and Your loved ones, is probably the mightiest mistake you are ever gonna make.
I've lived 17 summers of my life. I've encountered parts of my life, Unboxed rather, where I've felt afraid of what might happen but I've always been cautious about not letting those bizarre truths affect the clarity of my mindset. I've learnt to face my fears, weaken them and overcome them eventually. 
Putting aside every postulate that could have governed my emotions, I've fought and I will fight. So must YOU. Don't let your inner spirit take a back seat to your address. Young, old, poor, rich, modern, traditional, we all wake up wondering if what heaven planned for us will happen today. So why not another day, another second. Behold. You are special. Your fears are raw, yet unraveling every minute, but you have it in you to overpower the dreaded  grim. YOU WILL WIN !


  1. Oh my God! While reading this, I literally got goosebumps.. specially in the part where 'puff.. and they are gone'... I m left speechless after reading this ... and I hope we all keep unboxing the unpredictable thing

  2. Well said Yatharth. It is true that to overcome something, we need to acknowledge it first. You have given me insight on things that are faced by all of us. The expression "remembering the very first time you gathered courage to ride a bicycle without support" is exceptionally beautiful.
    Hope to read more of your unboxed treasures.

  3. Good job Yatharth ! Nailed it. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻

  4. Absolutely agree to the message that you have penned down above.... Don't know about the others but really found it thought provoking🌼and yeah keep on writing, it actually sets you free. Hope to read more of your unboxed thoughts🌱

  5. Very well written yathart 👌



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